Jade gives a holiday update before the weekly reading
Reading performed by Jade Allbright, voiced by Ashley McAnelly.
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Hello Lovelies,
It is full on sweater weather now and I am enjoying getting back to my hot teas. My throat’s a little itchy so I’m drinking my lemon echinacea this morning with a bit of honey. Now next up to figure out what to do for Thanksgiving. Aunt Beattie’s health keeps declining, so I will probably go cook at her house. The old hag will probably still be complaining and telling me what I’m doing wrong, but not knowing how much time she has left, I welcome the nagging. My only worry is if my cousin Cora shows up. We don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things and I really don’t want to fight on a holiday, maybe this can be a chance for me to practice holding my tongue. Who wants to take bets on if I slip up or not?
Also in light of this being Thanksgiving week, this will be my only post until next week, so doing a general reading for all.
Ten of Cups. Maybe this is a sign to all of us that this Thanksgiving, or just this week if you do not celebrate the American Thanksgiving, is a time of finally being at peace with our loved ones. There is no bickering on the horizon, at least none that really matter. You might be stressing that you overcooked or undercooked the turkey, but at the end of the day, you’ll have the ones who matter sitting with you and having a good time. Enjoy the calm, the feeling of being whole, while it lasts. Because we know it never does.
That’s it friends. Don’t forget to fill out the form if you want to submit a question.