Jade’s miserable still from eating so much but back for today’s reading.
Reading performed by Jade Allbright, voiced by Ashley McAnelly.
If you would like to submit a question you can submit it here.
Hello Lovelies,
I am still recovering from the turkey hangover. My body wants to do nothing but lay around, I was barely able to get out of bed today. But I’m here, store’s open until 6 if anyone wants to stop by. My morning crowd has cleared and now just looking to make some book sells. Christmas is around the corner and I know some of you have book and candle lovers and all the miscellaneous items in between. Mama needs to make some sales to keep the lights on.
Anywho, guess I better get to the reading. Today’s question comes from Ellie. She asks: How can I open myself up to messages and guidance from my spirit guides? Before I do the reading I want to say tarot is one way to do it. It’s why it’s my main way to open myself up to the universe for messages. If you listen to this reading, that’s listening to your spirit guides, but it sounds like you may already have an established way of listening to them and maybe you haven’t been hearing them lately. Let’s see what they have to say now.
Ah, King of Cups Reversed. It sounds like right now they want you to focus on what you’ve been feeling and not what you’ve been showing the world. You’ve been repressing and hiding your emotions, but take it from me, shutting something away is not the answer to dealing with them. Your guides are telling you right now to channel your emotions and learn to control them, not let them control you. By opening up to that other part of yourself, you may become more intune to listen to the messages the universe has for you. Good luck, I know it’s no small feat.
That’s it for today folks. If you would like a reading don’t forget to submit the form. Bye