Weekly Tarot Reading: Social Media 1

Okay. Okay let’s do this.

Hi, I am Jade Allbright, owner of the Which Way Between the Lines Bookstore in good ole Fort Smith Arkansas, and I am here today to give you the first of what may or may not be several in a series of free readings. My delightful and oh so optimistic employee Sam suggested that I take to social media for more exposure to my store and what I have to offer.

So I have for you today a one card reading. If enough of you tune in for these, then I’ll keep it up, and maybe give you other glimpses into what I have. If no one tunes in that I get to tell Sam she’s wrong. Please, no one listen.

Okay, I’m asking the cards what this week holds for you.

Ah, so this is the Seven of Cups. I call this the “My Precious” card, which you younger ones probably won’t get the reference, but basically it’s an idea or wish you hold near and dear and think about a lot, but you don’t do anything with it. So you’re in a perpetual state of wishing and never having. This card is your wake up call to stop dreaming and start moving. These goals will never come to pass if you don’t actually put the work in.

So, up to you to do what you will with that information. I’m just the messenger. And if you find yourself saying “But Jade, I’m already putting my plans in motion” well then clearly this reading wasn’t for you. But if you keep listening a card will finally fall with the message you need.

I…I don’t know how to end this. Okay that’s something to work on for next time, uh. Have a great day and if you’re looking for a book, check out my website?

Sam, Sam how the hell do I end this thing?

Abruptly cuts off

The End


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