Jade is behind a bit on her social media readings but is here to get back at it.
Reading performed by Jade Allbright, voiced by Ashley McAnelly.
If you would like to submit a question you can submit it here.
Hello Lovelies,
Well, I finally fell off the wagon. I was doing so good at staying consistent, and one really bad day made me forget everything, so apologies for my inconsistency lately. There are just some really big things happening right now that are trying to rock my world, but I think it’s the little things that keep me straight. So barring the end of my life as I know it, I’m endeavoring to get back on track.
With that in mind, I’m asking the cards “will we succeed today?” Let’s see what they say.
The Magician. In short the Magician is a resounding yes. He is the embodiment of our dedication and passion and a sign that the universe is on our side in this.
I guess that leaves one question for you to answer. What is it that you’re trying to succeed in today? Would love to hear from you on what it is and how great it goes.
Me? I’m just trying to survive right now.
That’s it folks. If you have a question for the cards don’t forget to submit the form. Bye